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Category Archives: PK Tips

PK Tip: Simulating an "AND" Find Operation

Personal Knowbase's Find command can only search for one string at a time. Generally, if you need to pinpoint articles more specifically, we recommend first selecting keywords to reduce the list of titles in the Index Window, then running a Find using Selected Articles as your Search Range.

However, you can simulate an search-engine-style "AND" search by doing two (or more) consecutive searches, using the previous results as the Search Range for the next search.

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PK Tip: Exporting for Use in Word Processors

A good way to move information from Personal Knowbase to MS Word (and other word processors) is to export from PK to RTF format, then open the RTF format file(s) in Word. RTF is a Rich Text Format file format that most word processors can read directly.

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PK Tip: Locating Related Keywords with Related Mode

When you select a keyword in Personal Knowbase's Index Window, you may get a long list of articles associated with that keyword. To shrink your Titles list, it's useful to know which keywords to select to make the list more manageable.

You can reduce the Index column from listing all keywords in your data file to only listing the keywords that are related to your current articles list. This shows you the keywords related to the keyword(s) that you've already selected by being shared by at least one article. This makes it easy to see which keywords will help further pare down your Titles list.

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PK Tip: Dragging Keywords to Locate Related Articles

In Personal Knowbase, the usual way to locate an article related to a topic of interest is to "select" a keyword for that topic. For example, to see all your articles related to fish, you move the keyword fish from the Index column to the Selected column in the Index Window.

But if you already located an article on your topic, you can quickly locate related articles by dragging keywords from the article instead of from the full keyword Index. This is especially useful as your keyword Index list grows larger and more difficult to browse.

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PK Tip: Removing Hypertext Links

In Personal Knowbase, you may end up with unwanted hypertext links in your article text. For example, if you copy text from a web page in a browser, PK will preserve any hypertext links on the web page when you paste it into an article. Similarly, if you import to an article from an html file with links, PK will preserve the links from the file. Or perhaps you have some old links that you simply don't want anymore.

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PK Tip: Automatically Updating Article Dates

When you create a new article in Personal Knowbase, the article date is set to the current date. By default, this date isn't updated unless you manually change it. If you want the article dates to update automatically every time you make a change to the article, you can do this with the File Properties command.

To set this option for the currently open file:

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PK Tips: Changing Font Size in Existing Articles

Sometimes you want to make all text in a Personal Knowbase article larger. This issue is coming up more lately as we get higher resolution monitors, and the fonts we used to use suddenly look a bit shrunken.

Here are 3 ways to make the font sizes in Knowbase articles larger or smaller. The results of each method are very different, so use which method best serves your needs.

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PK Tip: Locating Articles by Date

It's easy to locate articles by their dates in Personal Knowbase.

To find all articles in a date range:

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PK Tip: Making Your To-Do List Your Browser Home Page

If you keep your to-do list in a Personal Knowbase article, you can easily set your browser's Home page to your to-do list. Any URLs or email addresses from the original Knowbase article become clickable links on your Home page. This is handy for keeping a list of links to websites that you frequently visit or plan to check out.

To create a local html file to use as your home page:

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PK Tip: Fixing Drive Letter Changes in Portable Mode

If you're carrying your notes between computers using Personal Knowbase's portability feature on a USB thumb drive or other removable media, locating PK data files and file attachments can get tricky if drive letters change.

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