Personal Knowbase 4.1
Free Trial Download
Click here to download a free 30-day trial version of Personal Knowbase:
Download pksetup.exe
To install the software after downloading:
Run PKSETUP.EXE from your download folder.
Follow the installation instructions on the screen.
We recommend that you keep a backup copy of the original downloaded file in case you need to re-install the software someday.
Our installation is completely safe. It installs no toolbars or other changes to your browsers. It includes no bundled programs from other vendors. You can easily and completely uninstall at any time.
About the Trial Version
The trial version of Personal Knowbase is fully functional so you can evaluate all features of the software. Since you try the software before buying, there is no risk to you.
After 30 days of evaluation, you will not be able to enter new data or modify data that you have entered. After expiration, however, you can still read, search, print, and export any data that you have entered. You won't lose any of your valuable data.
To continue using Personal Knowbase after expiration, you must purchase a software license. See our Ordering page for information.
EULA: View our End User License Agreement.
You can completely remove Personal Knowbase from your computer at any time if it doesn't meet your needs. Remove it using the standard Windows uninstall procedure: From the Windows Control Panel, click the Uninstall a Program link, then double-click on Personal Knowbase. For more details, see our Help topic for Uninstalling.
If you have questions about downloading or installing, please check our FAQ on Downloading and Installing.