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Options for Sharing Personal Knowbase Files with Multiple Computers

Do you need to access your Personal Knowbase files from multiple computers? Perhaps you have a desktop and a laptop. Or an upstairs computer and a downstairs computer. Or a work computer and a personal computer.

Following are some options for running Personal Knowbase on multiple computers. For convenience, I'll talk about using PK on two machines, but all points also apply for three or more computers. I'll also talk about having a single PK data file, but all points apply if you have several data files.

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5 More Ways PK Helps for the Holidays

Preparing for the holidays involves dozens of details. Recovering from the holidays involves dozens more. Personal Knowbase can help you manage your information to keep your plans running smoothly from year to year to year.

Previously, we offered five ways that Personal Knowbase can help you during the holidays. Here are five more ideas:

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Using Personal Knowbase for Citations

A previous post talked about using Personal Knowbase for Bibliographies. In addition to using the software for listing and annotating bibliographies, you can link your working notes with source articles to create citations.

The general idea is to include information about your sources in the same PK data file as your "working articles" which contain the notes and writing work for your current project. You would have a single PK article for each source and assign it keywords for the topics relevant to that source. Please see the previous post for more ideas on using PK as reference management software.

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Using Personal Knowbase for Bibliographies

Many researchers, writers, and academics use Personal Knowbase to keep track of sources and references. The software is great for notes management, and you can link your working notes with citations. While PK does not have a built-in facility for creating bibliographies, you can use its keywords feature to associate topics with notes and sources.

Here are some ideas for using Personal Knowbase to manage bibliographies. These ideas assume a basic understanding of the PK terminology and interface, but even without experience with the software, they should provide you with a notion of what's possible.

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Sharing Knowledge Using PK Reader

Personal Knowbase data files are great for sharing documentation and "lessons learned" within your business or organization. You can create a shared knowledge repository as a Personal Knowbase file (KNO file). Then distribute it across a network or on a CD together with the PK Reader viewer software.

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Creating an Idea Dump with Personal Knowbase

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a writer, an artist, an inventor, a programmer, or anyone doing creative work, your ideas are your first step toward developing your projects. Your ideas are a valuable resource and critical to your productivity. Treat them as they deserve — with loving care.

Using Personal Knowbase notes management software as a central repository for your ideas keeps them together, makes it easy to find related ideas, and provides a structure for browsing your undeveloped ideas. Collect and organize all of your inspirations into PK articles and index them with keywords so that you can retrieve related ideas later.

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5 Ways PK Helps for the Holidays

The holidays often bring on information overwhelm. We have so many details to keep track of and so much going on. Contacts, shopping, events, preparations. It's easy to forget things and lose information.

Let Personal Knowbase help you stay in control this holiday season. Personal Knowbase is a note management program for Windows. It helps you store miscellaneous text information and index it using keywords for easy access.

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Do I Need Only One Personal Knowbase Data File or More? (Part 2)

Personal Knowbase users often struggle with the decision of when they would want more than one PK data file.

In Part 1, we talked about starting with a single file and using multiple files when they serve completely different purposes. Here are some additional issues with using one or more database files.

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Do I Need Only One Personal Knowbase Data File or More? (Part 1)

New Personal Knowbase users often ask when they would want more than one PK database. Should they put all their notes in one data file? Or have several files? Why create a new file?

The short answer is to start out by putting everything in one file and to wait to split your data into multiple files until you're sure you need to.

There are pros and cons to keeping all your data in one place or spreading it into multiple files.

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Organize Your Home Office Day

Today is Organize Your Home Office Day, which falls on the second Tuesday in March every year. Whether you're a self-employed contractor, run a home-based business, work at home regularly for your day job, or use a home office for your personal business, you need to keep it organized to use your time efficiently.

Here are some ways that Personal Knowbase can help you get your home office organized:

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