Tag Archives: network
Options for Sharing Personal Knowbase Files with Multiple Computers
Do you need to access your Personal Knowbase files from multiple computers? Perhaps you have a desktop and a laptop. Or an upstairs computer and a downstairs computer. Or a work computer and a personal computer.
Following are some options for running Personal Knowbase on multiple computers. For convenience, I'll talk about using PK on two machines, but all points also apply for three or more computers. I'll also talk about having a single PK data file, but all points apply if you have several data files.
Continue reading →Sharing Knowledge Using PK Reader
Personal Knowbase data files are great for sharing documentation and "lessons learned" within your business or organization. You can create a shared knowledge repository as a Personal Knowbase file (KNO file). Then distribute it across a network or on a CD together with the PK Reader viewer software.
Continue reading →Reading Personal Knowbase Files over a Network
If you need multiple users to be able to read the same Personal Knowbase data file (KNO file), you may find it useful to place the data file on a network. A centrally located data file on a network allows any user with a computer connected to the network to read the data.
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