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Tag Archives: installation

Options for Sharing Personal Knowbase Files with Multiple Computers

Do you need to access your Personal Knowbase files from multiple computers? Perhaps you have a desktop and a laptop. Or an upstairs computer and a downstairs computer. Or a work computer and a personal computer.

Following are some options for running Personal Knowbase on multiple computers. For convenience, I'll talk about using PK on two machines, but all points also apply for three or more computers. I'll also talk about having a single PK data file, but all points apply if you have several data files.

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Computer Basics: Tips for Preparing to Upgrade Your Computer

When it's time to upgrade your PC, don't get caught unprepared. Whether your old computer died and you need to start over, or if you just want to update your hardware or OS (operating system) version, setting up a new computer can be painful.

These tips will help you set up your new machine while saving as much information as possible from your old setup. If possible, do these tasks before losing access to your old computer.

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Computer Basics: Tips for Preparing to Re-install Software

Various circumstances can force you to re-install the software on your PC. Perhaps a program had a problem such as its corrupted settings, and you need to uninstall and re-install it.

Or you may need to re-install all of your software. Maybe your computer crashed and is irrevocable. Maybe you bought a new computer to replace an obsolete one. Either way, you now face the challenge of moving all your old software to a new machine.

These tips will help you prepare for the inevitability of re-installing your software:

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PK Tips for Portable Mode Installation

If you need to carry your notes between computers, you can use Personal Knowbase's portability feature to install the software on a USB thumb drive or other removable media. If you're having trouble getting PK to install in portable mode, here are a couple things to check.

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PK Tip: Using Personal Knowbase Where You Can't Install It

If you want to use Personal Knowbase on a computer where you can't install it, consider using the portable installation option.

Some companies do not allow you to install software on your work computer unless it's on a restricted software list. Consultants can't install their own software on clients' machines. Or you may want to use a friend's or relative's computer without making any permanent changes to their system.

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PK Tip: Storing Your Registration Key In Personal Knowbase

We've had an epidemic of lost Personal Knowbase registration keys lately. You know who you are. 😉 So here's a topical tip.

I store my Personal Knowbase registration key inside Personal Knowbase itself, in my main Projects.kno data file.

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