Creating an Idea Dump with Personal Knowbase
Whether you're an entrepreneur, a writer, an artist, an inventor, a programmer, or anyone doing creative work, your ideas are your first step toward developing your projects. Your ideas are a valuable resource and critical to your productivity. Treat them as they deserve — with loving care.
Using Personal Knowbase notes management software as a central repository for your ideas keeps them together, makes it easy to find related ideas, and provides a structure for browsing your undeveloped ideas. Collect and organize all of your inspirations into PK articles and index them with keywords so that you can retrieve related ideas later.
Continue reading →Productivity Tips: 5 More Tips for Your Email Inbox
In a previous post, we covered quick tips for handling incoming email. There's more that you can do to keep your email inbox under control. Here are five more tips for organizing your folders, filtering your messages, and prioritizing:
Continue reading →PK Tip: Creating Special Articles
I mentioned in my last tip post how you can start a keyword with a non-alphabetic character to force it to sort to the top of the Index in Personal Knowbase. In the same way, consider starting an article title with a non-alphabetic character (such as a punctuation mark or number) to force it to always rise to the top of the Titles list.
Continue reading →PK Tip: Creating Special Keywords
In Personal Knowbase, your keyword Index list is generally sorted alphabetically. But you might have special keywords that you use frequently and want to be able to access instantly.
Continue reading →Cyber Monday Sale on Personal Knowbase
Happy Holidays from Bitsmith Software!
For a limited time, get 20% off Personal Knowbase note management software for Windows.
Continue reading →5 Ways PK Helps for the Holidays
The holidays often bring on information overwhelm. We have so many details to keep track of and so much going on. Contacts, shopping, events, preparations. It's easy to forget things and lose information.
Let Personal Knowbase help you stay in control this holiday season. Personal Knowbase is a note management program for Windows. It helps you store miscellaneous text information and index it using keywords for easy access.
Continue reading →PK Tip: Changing a File's Password
If you use password protection with your Personal Knowbase file, you may want, at some point, to change the password. Whether your entire file is password-protected or only a few articles are private, the password itself is the same for all articles and is stored at the file level.
Continue reading →Productivity Tips: 5 Tips for Building Your Writing Skills
Previously, we posted with 5 Writing Tips for Everyone. Here are 5 more tips for building your writing skills. Exercise your writing muscles.
Continue reading →Do I Need Only One Personal Knowbase Data File or More? (Part 2)
Personal Knowbase users often struggle with the decision of when they would want more than one PK data file.
In Part 1, we talked about starting with a single file and using multiple files when they serve completely different purposes. Here are some additional issues with using one or more database files.
Continue reading →Do I Need Only One Personal Knowbase Data File or More? (Part 1)
New Personal Knowbase users often ask when they would want more than one PK database. Should they put all their notes in one data file? Or have several files? Why create a new file?
The short answer is to start out by putting everything in one file and to wait to split your data into multiple files until you're sure you need to.
There are pros and cons to keeping all your data in one place or spreading it into multiple files.
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Personal Knowbase is a note management program for Windows. Organize free-form text information using keywords.
To see if Personal Knowbase is right for you, please download a fully-functional 30-day software trial.
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