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Tag Archives: writers

Productivity Tips: Preventing Interruptions

Interruptions are a problem for anybody whose work requires concentration for a block of time. The ability to focus is necessary for problem solving tasks and creative work like writing.

If you need an interruption-free block of time, here are some tips:

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Using Personal Knowbase to Organize Quotations

I've been collecting quotations for decades. It's something of an obsession. I sprinkle them in websites and blog posts, tweet them to my followers, and sometimes just collect for the sake of collecting. When I read, part of my mind is always on the lookout for good quotes. Not surprisingly, I store my quote collection in Personal Knowbase.

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Productivity Tips: 5 Writing Tips for Everyone

Whether you're writing fiction or non-fiction, memos or sagas, letters or white papers, here are five tips for improving your writing and completing your project.

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