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Tag Archives: keywords

Using Personal Knowbase to Organize Quotations

I've been collecting quotations for decades. It's something of an obsession. I sprinkle them in websites and blog posts, tweet them to my followers, and sometimes just collect for the sake of collecting. When I read, part of my mind is always on the lookout for good quotes. Not surprisingly, I store my quote collection in Personal Knowbase.

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Personal Knowbase Basic Terminology

Three basic terms can get you started using Personal Knowbase. With these three terms, the functions of most menu commands and toolbar buttons are clear. Other menu commands involve more advanced features that can usually be ignored when you're getting started.

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Why Index Your Notes with Keywords (Part 2)

Software that stores freeform text information commonly uses three ways to structure data:

  • Searching with Straight Text Strings
  • Categorizing in Hierarchical Trees
  • Indexing with User-specified Keywords
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Why Index Your Notes with Keywords (Part 1)

Personal Knowbase uses a system where users specify keywords to index their notes. When you create a new text note in the software, you tag the note with one or more keywords (or key-phrases) which will later provide a fast way to locate that note.

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Tips for Selecting Keywords in Personal Knowbase

New Personal Knowbase users often struggle with the best way to select keywords for the Index. Selecting keywords is very subjective. It does take a few extras minutes to select good keywords.

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