PK Tip: Suppressing the Warning Message for Saving Articles
When you first start using Personal Knowbase, the software always asks you to verify that you want to save an article when you close it. As you become more familiar with the software, you may find these verification dialog boxes unnecessary, perhaps annoying.
The dialog box itself gives you the option to stop showing it for the rest of the current PK session. However, the next time you start up PK again, the warning dialogs will be back.
If you find yourself always disabling these dialog boxes, you may want to turn them off permanently and never see them again.
To turn off these warnings forever:
Select the Preferences command from the File menu.
In the Preferences dialog box, go to the Articles tab.
Near the bottom of the window, click to check the Click on the Save Articles without Displaying Warnings checkbox.
Click the OK button to close and save your preferences.
Use this setting with care. With it turned on, whenever you close any article, all changes will be saved. In fact, if you close the entire file or the Personal Knowbase software itself, any changes to any open articles will automatically be saved.
Personal Knowbase also asks you whether you want to save articles before running a Find, Replace, or Build Query operation if changed articles might affect the operation's results. This preference setting also affects those warnings. So, if you turn it on, all changed articles will be automatically saved if you run the Find, Replace, or Build Query command.
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