Index Window:  Keyword Groups Column

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The Keyword Groups column is an optional column which appears to the left of the Index column if your data file includes keyword groups. This column lists all keyword groups in the data file.


To force the Keyword Groups column to show, use the Keyword Groups Command (View Menu).


Double-click on a keyword group's name to edit that group with the Keyword Group Dialog Box.


Highlight the name of a keyword group to reduce the keywords showing in the Index column to only those belonging to that group. Highlight multiple group names to show the keywords which are members of any of the highlighted groups.


To remove the highlights from all groups currently highlighted, right-click on the Keyword Groups column and select the Unselect Keyword Groups command from the pop-up menu. To un-highlight (or highlight) a single group, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the group's name.


When the Keyword Groups column is hidden or when no keyword group names are highlighted, then all keywords are shown in the Index column (according to the current Index Mode).


To select multiple keyword groups, see Selecting Multiple List Items.


TIP:When the cursor is in this list, typing the first few letters of a keyword group moves the cursor to that group. Pressing ESC interrupts the typing sequence, allowing you to restart your typing.



Adding Keywords to Groups by Dragging


You can add keywords to a keyword group by dragging keywords from the Selected column or the Preview Pane to the Keyword Groups column. The dragged keywords are added to any highlighted groups.



See Also:

Index Window

About Keyword Groups

Keyboard Options for the Index Window