Listing Keywords Related to Currently Shown Titles

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By default, the Index column of the Index Window lists all keywords in the data file which have not been moved to the Selected column. Instead, you can set the Index column to always reduce to show only the keywords which are assigned to at least one of the articles currently listed in the Titles column.


This is useful, for example, if selecting one keyword produces a long list of articles, and you want to see which keywords would be good choices to select next to pare down your article list more.


See Index Mode Command (View Menu) for an explanation and example of using the Index column in this way.


To reduce the Index column to only show currently represented keywords:


Select the Index Mode command from the View menu.


A cascading menu appears showing the two options.


Select Show Only Related Keywords.


The word "Related" replaces the word "All" in the header of the Index column.


The Index column immediately reduces to only the keywords assigned to at least one article in the Titles column.


If all titles are listed, the Index column lists all keywords which are assigned to at least one article. Unassigned keywords are not included.


If only your bookmarked titles are listed, the Index now shows only the keywords assigned to at least one bookmarked article.


If a keyword has been moved to the Selected column, then the keywords now shown are those that complement that selected keyword. That is, they are related to that keyword by sharing at least one article with it.



Eventually, after finding the information you need, you will want to retrieve your full list of keywords. To do so:


Select the Index Mode command again and select Show All Non-Selected Keywords from the cascading menu.


The word "All" replaces the word "Related" in the header of the Index column.


The Index column shows all keywords except those which have been moved to the Selected column.



Related Procedures:

Viewing Keywords Common to Several Articles


See Also:

About Keywords and the Index

Index Window

Index Mode Command (View Menu)