Importing a List of Titles

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You can import a list of titles from an external text file. In this procedure, each line of the text file becomes the title of a new, blank article. It uses a Delimited Text Files import and treats the file as if it had only a single column of data.


To import a list of titles into an open data file:


Select the Import command from the File menu.


The Import dialog box is displayed.


Select the Delimited Text Files option from the Files of Type box.


Only files with the extensions TXT, CSV, TAB, or ASC are now displayed in the files list.


Use the dialog box to select the folder and name of the file you want to import.


If your file does not have one of the suggested file extensions, you can type its name into the File name field.


If you want to immediately open the imported articles in Article Windows, check the Open Imported Articles option.


Turn off the Open Imported Articles option if you don't want to open the newly imported articles now. If your file has many lines, we recommend turning off this option. Opening large numbers of Article Windows at once may strain your Windows System resources.


Select the Open button.

OR Double-click on the file name in the files list.


The first step of the Column Data Import Wizard is displayed:  the Setup step. Your file is displayed in the File Preview pane at the bottom for your reference.


From the Select the File Format box, select Delimited.


Set Articles Start at Line to the line number of the file that the list of titles starts on.


If your file is just the list of titles, your data probably starts at line 1 of the file.


Set Column Names on Line to the line number of the file that contains your column headers.


If your file is just the list of titles, leave this setting at 0.


Select the Next button.


The next step of the Column Data Import Wizard is displayed:  the Delimited Data step.


From the Select the Field Delimiter box, select a character which does not occur in your list of titles.


Your titles are unlikely to include Tab characters, so that is probably a safe choice.


Select the Next button.


The last step of the Column Data Import Wizard is displayed:  the Fields to Columns step. Here you need to specify which column of your file maps to which field of each Personal Knowbase article.


From the Title drop-down menu, select Column 1.


From the Dates and Content drop-down menus, select (None).


In the Attachment list menu, make sure that no columns are highlighted.


If any columns are highlighted, click on them to de-select them.


In the Keywords list menu, make sure that no columns are highlighted.


If any columns are highlighted, click on them to de-select them.


Select the Finish button to complete the wizard.


The Keywords for Imported Articles dialog box is displayed.


To assign one or more keywords to each new article, type each keyword you want assigned into the New Keyword edit box and press Enter.

OR Double-click on the desired keyword in the Available Keywords list.


Each keyword selected is moved to the Assigned Keywords list.


When all keywords that you want to assign are listed in the Assigned Keywords list, select the OK button.


The file is now imported.  An article is created for each line of the file using the structure that you have defined.  If you checked the Open Imported Articles option, each article is displayed in an Article Window as it is created.


If the Article Windows opened, you can modify the articles now.


You may make any changes you want to the new articles, including adding content and additional keywords.


Close each Article Window by clicking on the window's close box.

OR Close all the Article Windows by selecting the Close All command from the Window menu.


If you made changes to any article, Personal Knowbase asks you to verify that you want to save the changes. Select the Yes button.



For a List of Other Procedures for Importing, See:

About Importing


See Also:

Article Window

Import Command (File Menu)

Import Dialog Box

Column Data Import: Setup Dialog Box

Column Data Import: Delimited Data Dialog Box

Column Data Import: Fields to Columns Dialog Box