Column Data Import:  Setup Dialog Box

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You are importing a "Delimited Text" or CSV file. This is the first dialog box for the Column Data Import Wizard. Specify the basic structure of the file you want to import. Your file is displayed in the File Preview pane for your reference.


Select the Next button to go to the next step of the wizard. Select Cancel to stop the import process.


Delimited File


This is the full path and file name of the file you are importing.


Select the File Format


Specify the overall structure of your file:


If Delimited is selected, each article's fields (content, title, keywords, and so on) are separated by delimiter characters, such as commas or tabs. This includes common file formats exported by spreadsheet programs, often called comma-delimited or tab-delimited files.


If Fixed-Position is selected, each article's fields start in pre-determined columns in each line of your file. For example, select this option if the title starts always at the beginning of the line, the date starts in the 10th character, the content in the 20th character, and so on. This option is not available for CSV file import.


Articles Start at Line


Indicate which line of the file the data starts on. For example, if the first two lines of the file are headers or blank lines, your data would start on line 3.


In the File Preview, lines above the data area are shown with a gray background.


Column Names on Line


Indicate which line of the file contains the names of the data fields. For example, if the first line of the file is a title and the second line contains column headers, then this value should be 2. If the first line contains column headers and the second line is blank, then this value would be 1.


In the File Preview, this header line is shown with black text on a gray background.


Note:Column Names on Line must be a lower number than Articles Start at Line. Any lines numbered greater than this header line and less than the data lines are not used and are thrown away.


File Preview


Your import file is displayed here for your reference. Any lines above the number you entered for Start at Line are grayed out to indicate that data will not be imported from these lines. Unprintable characters, such as tabs, may appear as small boxes:


This preview is limited to showing the first 10,000 lines of your file. However, your entire file is imported.



See Also:

Import Command (File Menu)

Importing from a Delimited Text File

Importing from a File with Fixed-Width Columns