Personal Knowbase®
Product Version History (Version 3.x)
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Version 3.2.6
March 20, 2013
Maintenance Release. Bug fixes:
Fixes a dialog box scaling problem which occurred in Window 7 and Windows 8 when the system text size was set to the 125% (Medium) or 150% (Large) setting. This problem sometimes hampered the ability to use the affected dialog boxes.
Affected dialog boxes included: all wizard dialogs for Delimited and CSV import, all wizard dialogs for editing custom import formats, the About box, and the Files tab of the Preferences dialog box.
Fixes the incorrect display of hypertext links in the little preview panes in the dialog boxes for Duplicate Articles and Select Article Link. This was a cosmetic problem which did not affect the actual data.
Version 3.2.5
November 6, 2012
Maintenance Release. Bug fixes:
Prevents the creation of duplicate keywords. This could previously be done by adding a new keyword to an article and then adding it to the Index before saving the changed article.
Detects corruption of a file's keyword list as well as problems with articles. The facility for repairing damaged files attempts to repair corrupted keyword tables.
Version 3.2.4
March 28, 2012
Maintenance Release. Bug fix:
Fixes a buffer overflow possibility which could only be revealed by editing the Windows Registry. This bug had no symptoms unless the Registry was manipulated external to Personal Knowbase.
Minor Change:
Allows Build Query to create queries with keywords that contain parenthesis characters [ "(" or ")" ] by surrounding the keyword with double-quote characters.
Double-clicking on the keyword containing parentheses in the Build Query dialog box's Index list automatically puts the required quotes around a keyword. If you type the keyword into the Query field, you must include the necessary quotes for PK to correctly parse the keyword.
Version 3.2.3
October 13, 2011
Maintenance Release. Bug fixes:
Prevents the keyword column in the Preview Pane from becoming wider than the Titles column.
Conserves GDIObjects used by the link cursor, fixing a rare problem which could cause corruption of the PK screen after repeated launches of hypertext links or active links to external files from the Preview Pane or Article Content area. To our knowledge, this problem only manifested when using FoxIt Reader as the default PDF viewer program and launching PDF links 20 to 60 times (depending on available memory).
Version 3.2.2
August 13, 2011
Maintenance Release. Fixes:
Fixes a printing bug which sometimes caused PK to hang when the length of a text string (such as a URL) was greater than the page width minus margins and paragraph indentations. The string is now split onto the next line.
During CSV file import, only comma delimiters are now allowed.
Minor Change:
During CSV or Delimited file import, in the "Fields to Columns" wizard dialog box, when you highlight a column from a drop-down menu, the File Preview area automatically scrolls sideways to the corresponding column. This should make column selection easier for files with many columns.
Version 3.2.1
March 6, 2011
Maintenance Release. Fixes:
Preserves the current user dictionary list during installation.
Enables the Copy command for the content Preview Pane when both content and keywords are visible.
Fixes keyboard shortcuts in dialog boxes and wizards with keyword list boxes. They did not correctly respond to Alt-O for Open, Alt-N for Next, and Alt-B for Back when the focus was in a list.
Fixes keyword lookup while typing in the New Keyword field of the Add Keywords to Index dialog box when existing keywords contain special characters.
Fixes a bug which caused hypertext links to migrate backwards when a special character was entered into the article text before the hypertext link when the character was entered using the Alt+number sequence.
Minor Change:
Adds a single-quote character delimiter option in query strings to allow Build Query to create queries when keywords contain double-quote characters.
Most keywords containing double-quotes (") could not be used in queries. You may now do this by surrounding the keyword with single-quotes ('). Keywords containing single-quotes must now be surrounded by double-quotes in queries.
Double-clicking on the keyword in the Build Query dialog box's Index list automatically puts the required quotes around a keyword. If you type the keyword into the Query field, you must include the necessary quotes for PK to correctly parse the keyword.
It is still not possible to create queries using keywords which contain both double- and single-quote characters. If you need a query using such a keyword, please use the Rename Keyword command to remove either the double- or single-quotes from the keyword.
Version 3.2
November 13, 2010
Major Enhancements:
- Add or delete keywords shared by multiple articles from the Index Window.
- Change the Index Mode to reduce the keywords list in the Index column to reflect only keywords for the currently listed articles.
- Display both article content and keywords in the Preview Pane.
- Get a visual representation of the frequency of keyword use with Keyword Cloud Report.
- Insert current date and time into article content.
Other Enhancements:
- Page Setup button in the Print dialog box.
- Spelling Options accessible from the Tools tab of the Preferences dialog box.
- The Build Query command accessible from a button on the Tools Toolbar.
- Gripper bars added to the Toolbars to make them easier to move.
- Pressing the ESC key resets typing to match the beginning of an entry in the Index or Titles column of the Index Window.
- Check Spelling dialog box includes an "Add To" menu to select which user dictionary to add a new word to.
Version 3.1.4
July 10, 2010
Maintenance Release. Includes the following new language dictionaries for the Spell-Checker:
- French
- German
- Italian
- spanish
Additional fixes:
The Find dialog box's "Show Only Titles" setting was always unchecked after a Replace operation. The setting is now remembered correctly.
Fixes a rare issue in the Article Content area which could cause Personal Knowbase to hang when the DEL key was used on the last line, the last line had zero length, and the paragraph attributes of the last line were inconsistent with the paragraph attributes of the second to last line.
When an article with a blank title was detected during a Save operation, the error message was confusing if that article was not the current article. Now, when Save finds a blank-titled article, that article is brought to the front for a title to be added.
Version 3.1.3
November 27, 2009
Maintenance Release. Changes:
Fixes a Spell-checker bug when an error was found in the first half of a hyphenated word. If that error was "Changed", the Spell-check lost its place on subsequent errors.
Fixes an inconsistency in displaying hidden text. Normally, Personal Knowbase does not support hidden text and displays it as normal text. It was hiding hidden text which was pasted or dragged in. All hidden text is now treated as normal text.
The Find dialog box remembers the "Show Only Titles" setting between sessions.
You can drag keywords from the Preview Pane to an Article Window's Keywords list.
During Export, a counter is displayed showing the number of articles exported.
The file repair facility (invoked with the Compact command) includes an option to remove RTF control codes which are incompatible with the RTF module distributed with some Windows versions. This repair may be useful to users pasting non-standard RTF text from Lotus Notes into Personal Knowbase using Windows XP SP2 or earlier.
Version 3.1.2
July 7, 2009
Maintenance Release. Changes:
Fixes RTF printing bugs, including:
- 1.5- or double-spaced paragraphs at top of page were printed incorrectly.
- When the first line of a non-first page is right-justified or centered, the line width was incorrect.
- Trailing spaces were included in width calculations with right-justified text.
Fixes a display bug causing single-spaced paragraphs to be incorrectly shown as 1.5-spaced paragraphs in the Paragraph dialog box.
Prevents crash of the Keyword Usage dialog box when running under Windows Server 2008 or Windows XP 64-bit. (This is a patch around a Windows issue which could potentially have affected any resizeable keyword dialog box in various Windows versions, so if you saw a crash opening a keyword dialog in any version of Windows, please try this update.)
Version 3.1.1
January 5, 2009
Maintenance Release. Changes:
Resolves a bug when the Tools toolbar was displayed and an Article Window was shown which caused a CPU performance hit on some computers.
Fixes a display problem with maximized windows when using Windows Vista with Aero Glass.
Re-centers a Keywords dialog box if it is trying to display off the screen. This was possible when running in portable mode if a computer had a lower screen resolution than a previously-used computer.
Installation program now installs all 3 language dictionaries by default. An option to install only 1 is included in Expert Installation mode.
Version 3.1
September 24, 2008
Major Enhancements:
- Spell-check your article text.
- Install Personal Knowbase on a portable drive, such as a USB drive.
- Change line spacing and first line indent on paragraphs in article text.
- Export article text to comma-separated files.
Other Enhancements:
- Select encoding type for exported HTML Files.
- Exclude headers from exported files.
- Convert hypertext links back to plain text.
- The number of hypertext links in an article is listed in Article Properties.
- The Index Window's Titles list optionally shows indicators for private articles and those containing hypertext links.
- The Keywords-type dialog boxes retain their height between user sessions.
- Re-hide private articles without closing and re-opening the data file.
- Turn off the splash screen at startup.
- The default range for exporting and printing corresponds to the articles currently displayed in the Index Window.
- Delimited Text File Import automatically detects column headers when possible.
- Hypertext links and article attachments now allow relative paths.
- A Tools Toolbar provides quick access to some advanced commands.
Version 3.0.5
January 14, 2007
Maintenance Release for users running Windows Vista. If you are not running Win Vista, you will see no differences with this version over 3.0.4. It fixes two problems found when running Personal Knowbase under Win Vista:
Correctly saves the Index Window size when program exits.
Prevents program crash in Index Report Setup dialog box.
Version 3.0.4
May 16, 2006
Maintenance Release. Fixes:
Fixes several related hypertext link bugs. These bugs caused hypertext links to migrate backwards or forwards in the article text when various keyboard controls were used to alter text before the hypertext link. Generally, the effects were rare and sporadic, not occurring consistently. The most common cause was using the Del key to delete at least a full paragraph of text, but also included typing in Overwrite mode, using the Del key to delete a block of text containing a hypertext link, and using 2-step keyboard shortcuts for menu commands (such as "Alt-o n" for Numbered List).
Fixes a cosmetic toolbar corruption issue when changes were made to certain Windows settings on Windows XP systems using themes. The most obvious symptom was that the Indent and Unindent buttons disappeared.
Fixes a minor bug which did not set the undo buffer correctly when undoing list numbering.
Improves the error message displayed when PK is passed an invalid "parameter" in a shortcut's Target.
PK continues running (no longer closes) when it is passed an invalid "parameter" in a shortcut's Target.
Version 3.0.3
January 17, 2006
Maintenance Release. Changes:
Fixes a major hypertext link bug. This bug caused hypertext links to migrate backwards through the article text when keyboard shortcuts were used to format text when the edit cursor was before the link in the article text. Keyboard shortcuts which triggered the migration were bold, italics, underline, left-align, right-align, and centering.
Prompts for the password when clicking on a hypertext link to a private article.
Version 3.0.2
November 14, 2005
Maintenance Release. Fixes include:
- Fixes a bug when pasting a large number of hypertext links which could cause slow updates of the article window.
- Fixes an article undo problem for new articles with hypertext links.
- Fixes a bug when the toolbar size was changed when a Report window was maximized.
- Adjusts column widths in the Keyword Usage Report for larger fonts.
- Fixes inconsistent indentation with bulleted and numbered lists when bulleting a group of lines containing both bulleted and non-bulleted lines.
Version 3.0.1
October 15, 2005
Maintenance Release. Fixes a bug in trial mode when opening old version 2 formatted files. This bug only affected version 2 users using Windows XP who had not upgraded to version 3, but were trying it out. When version 2 files were converted using the first conversion option ("Convert Data File to Version 3 Format"), the user would lose their trial period, and PK 3.0 would only run in Read-Only mode.
Version 3.0
October 12, 2005
Major Enhancements:
- Protect your data with passwords at the file or article level.
- Hypertext links give you the ability to link any piece of text within an article's content to a file, Internet address, or even another article.
- Import a list of keywords from a flat text file.
- Display the highlighted articles' keywords in the Preview Pane as an option to displaying article content.
- Create a new article by dragging a block of text into the Index Window from another Windows application.
Several new features for working with articles:
- New article text formatting options include highlighting text and creating text in any color.
- New article paragraph formatting options include numbered lists and text alignment.
- Saves both a creation and a modification date for each article.
- Optionally, display a time for each article as well as the date.
- An Article Property forces an article's title to stay the same as the first line of the article's content.
- When exporting articles, there is an option to export each article to a separate file.
- When exporting articles to a text file, bulleted lists are simulated with bullet characters.
- A preference lets you specify how you want newly imported articles to be titled.
Other Enhancements:
- The Catalog Window has been replaced by a command to hide or show the keywords columns in the Index Window.
- When you launch a file link, if the target file is not found, you have the option of searching for the file.
- You can change the background color for the Preview Pane.
- A preference lets you use larger toolbar buttons.
- The Formatting Toolbar now includes a Strikeout button.
- The Welcome screen now includes an option to select a recent file to open.
- An option has been added to the Compact command to revert a file to version 2.0 format.
- Personal Knowbase can check Bitsmith Software's web site for information about software updates.
- Personal Knowbase now has limited support for Import Plug-Ins.
Note on Hidden Text from Older Converted Data Files:
- Personal Knowbase 2.x stored RTF hidden text but did not display it. This happened only if you imported RTF files which contained hidden text or copied it from another Windows application. As of version 3.0, PK will display the hidden text as if it was not hidden. Therefore, when you convert 2.x files into version 3.0, you may suddenly discover text which you could not previously see. This is now normal text and can be treated (or deleted) as such.