Personal Knowbase®
Product Version History (Version 2.x)
Note: Personal Knowbase version 2.x is no longer supported as of March 9, 2015. Please upgrade to version 4.1.
Version 2.2.2
February 6, 2004
Maintenance Release. Fixes include:
- Fixes a bug in the Create Title command to only insert the first line of selected text into the article title. It also now removes leading and trailing spaces from the resulting title.
- Fixes a bug in Find which could cause hanging if there is a carriage return or linefeed character in the article title. This only affected Windows 98 users and manifested in articles affected by the Create Title bug above.
- Further improves keyboard response time for slower machines when in Invisible Active Links mode by reducing the number of system update functions.
- Fixes a bug which caused rare crashes when exporting to HTML. This affected exporting articles which contained hidden text due to importing or pasting hidden text created by other RTF-based applications.
Version 2.2.1
January 8, 2004
Maintenance Release. Fixes include:
- Alleviates a problem with Article Window response speed when the Active Links preference was set to Visible. This affected very fast typists and users of keyboard macro and auto-typing programs.
- Run Saved Query list is ordered by frequency of query use. Order is now saved between sessions.
- Standardizes Indent and Unindent when multiple paragraphs are selected.
- Fixes a bug with the display of the Keywords for Article dialog box which occurred on Windows 98SE systems when long keywords were listed.
- Removes obsolete Personal Knowbase entries in the Windows Add or Remove Programs window.
Version 2.2
November 7, 2003
Added a number of features, including:
General Major Enhancements:
- You can save queries from the Build Query dialog box for future use within a data file. Once you have saved a query, you can run it using the Run Saved Query command and make changes to it using the Manage Saved Queries command.
- You can browse through the current list of articles in the Index Window without opening new Article Windows.
- Clicking on the column headers in the Index Window sorts or changes the mode of the corresponding column.
- The new Keyword Usage Report displays a count of the articles associated with a list of keywords.
- You can combine two keywords with the Merge Keyword command.
- During importing, you can check for duplicate articles.
- You can check for duplicate articles throughout your data file.
Several new features enhance working with articles:
- Text formatting options have been added to create bulleted lists and indent paragraphs.
- You can create an article's title from highlighted text from the article's content.
- A preference has been added to create the title for an untitled article from first line of the article's content.
- You can insert symbols and special characters into article text.
- You can insert active links to files more easily using the Insert File Link command, which constructs the link for you from a selected file name.
- You can create superscripted and subscripted text with the Font command.
- You can opt to open attachments automatically for individual articles.
- You can easily create an article attachment to a folder.
- A preference has been added to assign the keywords currently in the Selected column to newly created articles.
Other Enhancements:
- The Index Report now has options for limiting which articles are included in the report.
- Export, Print, Index Report, and Find now include a range option to include only articles highlighted in the Index Window.
- Export and Print now include an option to number the list when listing only article titles.
- You can now specify a maximum line length for exported text files.
- Find includes an option to find only whole words.
- A preference has been added to keep the Personal Knowbase window on top.
- Display accessibility for visually impaired users is improved.
Bug Fix:
- You may now include smart quotes characters in articles, and they are saved correctly. (Windows 95 users may still have problems with smart quotes characters.)
Version 2.1.1
January 3, 2003
Maintenance release. Enhancements:
- Dialog boxes for selecting keywords from keyword lists are now resizable.
- The Paste command formats pasted text more intelligently.
- The Paste Special command replaced Paste as Text.
- In the Files tab of the Preferences dialog box, hold the cursor over a long folder name to view the entire name.
Also fixes minor problems, including:
- Simplifies determination of whether to open imported articles.
- Recognition of email addresses in the Article Windows which started with strings similar to the prefixes of other URL strings.
- Fixed a bug in the Custom Import Wizard when editing custom formats for which the 'include entire article as content' option was used.
Version 2.1
November 5, 2002
Added a number of features, including:
General Major Enhancements:
- Internet addresses (URLs) in Article Windows may be active clickable links.
- You can display a Preview Pane in the Index Window under the Titles column. This pane shows the article currently highlighted in that column.
- The Paste as Text command pastes text without formatting.
- You can specify a file to open at startup from the Files tab of Preferences or from the Welcome Screen.
Several new features enhance importing:
- You can import delimited and fixed-position text files.
- You can define customized import formats for formatted text files and import files based on your custom formats.
- The Import command is undoable.
- Importing has an option to use the imported file's system date rather than today's date.
- Importing has an option to not automatically open newly imported articles. This is especially important when importing large numbers of articles at once.
Several new features make keywords easier to create and use:
- The Selected Keyword Mode command specifies whether the articles listed in the Index Window must be associated with all or any of the Selected keywords.
- The Create Keyword command creates a keyword from highlighted text in the article title or content and assigns it to the current article.
- Anything typed into the Keywords list in the Article Window opens the keywords dialog box.
Several new features make attachments easier to use:
- The Open Attachment command may be accessed from the Index Window without opening the article.
- You can list all articles which have attachments using the Show Articles with Attachments command.
- Dragging files directly from Windows Explorer into an Article Window creates a file attachment for the corresponding article.
- In Build Query, queries can specify whether or not to look for articles with attachments.
- The Open Attachment button on the Attachment tab of the Article Properties opens the article's attachment.
- The Article Attachment toolbar button loads the Attachment tab of the Article Properties dialog box.
- Clicking on an attachment icon in an Article Window also opens the Article Properties dialog box.
Other Minor Enhancements:
- You can access an article's Article Properties from the Index Window without opening the article.
- In the Article Window, you can drag highlighted text from the Content area to the Title area.
- When copying and pasting text from your browser window into an Article Window, recognition of paragraph and text formatting is improved.
Version 2.0.4
February 8, 2002
Maintenance release. Fixes a bug causing an fatal error when attempting to print with a blank page header.
Version 2.0.3
October 13, 2001
Maintenance release. A few users have reported Personal Knowbase occasionally hanging at startup on computers using Windows 98 or Windows ME and using a cable modem. We believe that a timing issue causes this problem. Version 2.0.3 alleviates this issue.
This release only affects users with Windows 98/ME.
Version 2.0.2
April 19, 2001
Maintenance release:
- Made a change in the way articles are saved which helps prevent data corruption on unstable systems prone to crashing or hanging.
Also fixes minor problems, including:
- Loss of cursor focus on Find dialog box and Index Report under certain circumstances.
- Inability to undo a plain text paste.
- Attempts to import dragged files to a read-only file.
- Problems with formatting buttons (bold, underline, etc) when the highlighted selection begins with the end-of-line.
Version 2.0.1
August 15, 2000
Maintenance release fixing two bugs:
- A cosmetic problem sometimes causing text at the bottom of the Article Window to appear highlighted when it isn't and vice versa.
- A bug causing the program to hang in rare circumstances when pasting a block of plain text into the Article Window, where the block is longer than the currently shown article area and which replaces previous text including the last end-of-paragraph marker in the article.
Version 2.0
August 4, 2000
Added a number of features, including:
Major enhancements:
- Personal Knowbase is now a native 32-bit application and accepts long file names.
- Article size has no practical limitation.
- Article text may be formatted in various fonts and colors, boldfaced, underlined, and italicized.
- An article may be associated with a disk file or web address "attachment".
- Article titles in the Index Window may be sorted by title or date, ascending or descending.
- Article dates, tag status, and attachment status may be displayed in the Index Window.
- Keywords may be renamed.
- You can import and export RTF format files.
Minor enhancements:
- Word wrap may now be set for any article independent of other articles.
- Articles may be edited in Overwrite or Insert modes.
- Web links may appear in the titles as well as the content areas of articles exported to HTML files.
- Export to HTML recognizes additional link types.
- The Save File command has replaced Save All Articles and will save the user preferences and tag list as well as all changed articles.
- In the Build Query dialog box, you can select to return to the previous query.
- Queries are updated automatically.
- Dragged keywords (in the Index Window) are assigned only to the highlighted articles.
- Many operations are now faster, such as importing and deleting articles.