Custom Import: Specify Fixed Keywords Dialog Box

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This is the third step of the Custom Import Wizard. Specify keywords to be automatically assigned to all articles imported using this custom import format. Your sample file is displayed in the Sample File Preview pane for your reference.


Select the Back button to return to the previous step of the wizard. Select the Next button to go to the next step of the wizard. Select Cancel to return to the Manage Custom Formats Dialog Box and lose any changes you have made.


Keyword Boxes


New Keyword

Type a keyword here and press Enter to add it to the Assigned Keywords list. You may type an existing keyword or a new keyword which is not yet in the Index.


Available Keywords List

This list shows all of the keywords in the current data file except those which have been moved to the Assigned Keywords list. Select keywords from this list to assign to the imported articles.


Assigned Keywords List

This is the list of keywords to assign to the imported articles. Add keywords to this list from the New Keyword edit box or from the Available Keywords list. To remove a keyword from this list, highlight the keyword and press the Del key.


For more information on various ways to move keywords between keyword lists, see Selecting Keywords.




Select All

Moves all keywords from the Available Keywords list to the Assigned Keywords list.



Removes all keywords from the Assigned Keywords list.


Sample File Preview


Your selected sample text file is displayed here for your reference.


Unprintable characters, such as tabs, may appear as small boxes:



See Also:

Import Command (File Menu)

Importing from a Custom Format Text File

Importing Email Message Text