Personal Knowbase has a simple tool for associating reminder alerts with individual articles. A reminder includes a date, a time, and an article title. At the specified date and time, an alert box pops up showing the relevant article title.
Only one reminder can be set per article. For reminder alerts to pop up, Personal Knowbase must be running. Reminders are only popped up which are associated with articles in a currently open data file.
Although you can set reminders on private articles, we do not recommend it. Reminders on private articles will not be displayed if the private articles are hidden.
To create, delete, and edit reminders, use the Manage Reminders Command (Article Menu). You can also set a reminder for the currently selected article by using the Set Reminder Command (Article Menu).
If an article has a reminder, a clock icon appears next to its title in the Titles column of the Index Window, and a calendar-and-clock icon
appears in the upper right corner of its Article Window.
When a reminder alert pops up, the Reminders dialog box is displayed. At that point, you can "snooze" the reminder to give yourself more time, open the article associated with the reminder, or edit or delete the reminder.
For more information about reminders, see these Procedures: