About Passwords and Privacy

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Personal Knowbase can password-protect your personal information to keep it private from prying eyes.


Two levels of password protection are available:


Article-level password protection
File-level password protection


There are no limitations on passwords. They can be of any length and use any characters.



Article-level password protection


If articles are protected at the article level, these private articles remain invisible and are ignored for all operations until you enter the password using the Show Private Articles Command (File Menu). Once you have entered the password correctly, the private articles are displayed in the Index Window's Titles column and are treated the same as other articles for all operations.


To set article-level passwords, see Password-Protecting an Article.


If an article is password-protected, a lock icon appears next to its title in the Titles column of the Index Window.


File-level password protection


If password protection is set at the file level, you must enter the password when opening the file. The file is inaccessible without the password.


To set file-level passwords, see Password-Protecting a Data File.



NOTE:Please remember your password. You will be required to give the password the next time you open the file's private articles. If you lose your password, you will lose access to your private articles.



See Also:

Removing a File's Password