Bookmarking articles allows you to mark a collection of articles for easy access. Bookmarked articles are the most instantly accessible articles at any given time.
You may want to bookmark your most commonly used articles to make them permanently easy to find. You may want to bookmark outstanding to-do items. You may want to use bookmarks to mark articles related to a current project. Or you can use bookmarks to temporarily mark items for printing, searching, or exporting. This is a very flexible feature.
Many commands can use the current bookmark list to specify a range of articles or can combine bookmarks with other criteria to get a list of articles. These commands include Print, Export, Find, Replace, and Build Query.
To bookmark an article, see Bookmarking an Article. To remove a bookmark or all article bookmarks, see Unbookmarking an Article.
If an article is bookmarked, a star icon appears next to its title in the Titles column of the Index Window, and a star
appears in the upper right corner of its Article Window.
You can view the list of bookmarked articles in the Index Window at any time by selecting the Show Bookmarked Titles Command (Article Menu). To make the bookmark list the default list in the Titles column of the Index Window, see Changing the Titles Displayed at Startup.