Personal Knowbase®
Note Management Software
Clear your head. Capture your notes with Personal Knowbase.
Personal Knowbase is an easy-to-use freeform note-keeping program for Windows. Collect all your scattered text, lists, ideas, and clippings into one information repository. Organize them with bookmarks, dates, and keyword tags.
Need easy but powerful note-keeping software?
Reduce paper clutter in your workspace by entering notes in organizer software.
Record thoughts quickly without having to navigate deep data trees.
Edit using the full-featured text editor, complete with spell-checker.
Password-protect private notes.
Handle 1000s of notes easily. No limits on number or length of records.
Carry your notes with you by installing on a portable USB drive.
Personal Knowbase is a better way to store and edit your miscellaneous notes and keep your random text snippets easily accessible. You can be an information packrat and never worry about losing something once you organize it with this flexible notes manager.
It's like note-taking in an indexed digital notebook.
Personal Knowbase's flexible structure helps with organizing and editing many types of data:
- project notes
- research notes
- phone notes
- meeting notes
- interview notes
- class notes
- reminders
- more...
Capture your thoughts and index them by tagging with keywords. Use the keyword index for quick access by filtering your database for related information.
While browsing the web, when you run across that fact that you know you'll need later, copy it into Personal Knowbase and know you'll be able to find it when you need it. Or just store a link to the web page for later reference.
Cross-reference your notes with hypertext links between entries. Keep all your information for one project together by linking to external files and Internet addresses.
You can also add reminders to notes so that an alert pops up at a specified date and time. Remind yourself about appointments, project milestones, and due dates.
“I started using Personal Knowbase in November of 2002. Every time I open Personal Knowbase, I feel a small rush of pleasure and gratitude. I keep all my notes in it. The program's great strengths for me are its speed, simplicity, and flexibility. Often when organizing data for a computer program, one has to adjust one's own way of thinking to a program's limitations. Personal Knowbase imposes so few restrictions, that it gives me more freedom to think, and then it allows me to rearrange my notes as I want to.”
“I'm writing a very complex fiction trilogy, and I honestly don't know if I could manage all of the info without PK to keep track of my 300+ notes. The linking between PK articles was exactly what I needed to streamline the tool for that purpose.”
“I have to say that your software has changed my life! I don't want that to seem too dramatic/"cheesy", but it's true. I had a bunch of stuff just on scraps of paper and napkins, and scratch paper. I took the time to organize it into Personal Knowbase and I am sailing now.”